Even though DRE defense has long been a focus of ours at Hanson Law Firm, its importance has increased dramatically. At one point there were 4,200 backlogged complaints at the DRE, and each one might result in an official Accusation being filed against a broker or agent. That’s—potentially—4,200 licenses revoked or suspended. My staff and I defend agents and brokerages at DRE Administrative hearings.
As we all know, the Department of Real Estate (DRE) regularly audits brokers’ files for compliance. Sometimes an audit is triggered by a complaint; sometimes it’s random.
But, as of January 2012, the DRE’s mandate changed. It is now to focus on “consumer protection.” And, those 4,200 ‘backlogged’ complaints are being closely reviewed at the DRE. If the DRE finds something during its audit, it files an “Accusation,” and the brokerage and agent go through an administrative trial. Suspension—even revocation— of a license is possible.
With such high stakes, it’s no surprise that so many brokers turn to us for DRE defense.
Highly experienced DRE compliance attorneys
I have twice been a member of the DRE’s special committee that reviews and audits the DRE salesman and broker exams. Another of my consulting attorneys has been the risk manager and regulatory compliance officer for a national real estate company franchisee. The lawyers at HLF and I have represented many brokers and agents in these Administrative proceedings. When your livelihood is at stake, that’s the kind of experience you want beside you.
I can’t guarantee you won’t lose your license (if you’ve done something really wrong), or end up with a restricted one, or have to pay a whopping big fine. But now that the DRE has been told its primary mandate is consumer protection—you can bet there will be a LOT more brokers and agents making a trip to a Hearing office. Don’t go alone.
If you have a DRE compliance issue, contact us immediately.