Greed is good when it comes to real estate deals, right? Well, not always. Here’s a tale about an owner who thought he had earned a fast buck. And he might have, if he had played his cards right. This story is all about tendering performance, and the traps that can result. (Adapted from Rutherford Holdings v…. CONTINUE
How Old for Mold?
Black mold can cause serious health issues, and it certainly did in this case. In fact, it harmed the child of a couple that bought a home that was found to have black mold. Find out who, if anyone, was held liable for the injury to this child.
Julia Morgan Fraud or April Fools Joke?
In this story, an architect relied on a broker’s representation that the house he was buying was designed by famous architect Julia Morgan. See what happened when that characterization became a little murky, and the lesson to be learned for all real estate professionals. (Adapted from Jue v. Smiser, 23 Ca.App.4th 312)
The House on the Hill that Went Slip Sliding Away
Where did the requirement for a broker to conduct a reasonably competent, diligent, visual inspection of accessible areas of a property come from? Christopher Hanson takes you back 30+ years to reveal the case that brought that obligation into reality…
Condo Water Problems
One judge commented that construction defect litigation around condominium complexes is as “common as crabgrass,” and this story certainly strengthens that observation. Watch this curious case where a buyer was fully aware of the litigation surrounding water intrusion challenges at this particular complex, bought the unit anyhow (at a discount), then sued the broker when… CONTINUE
Gnarly Neighbors
Have you ever had an experience with neighbors who, shall we say, are less than neighborly? What if you want to sell your home for top dollar? Then you’d better not mention those neighbors, right? Watch this story to find out what happened when the seller didn’t disclose those gnarly neighbors.
Water Water Everywhere
A sweet young couple buys their first house, and are promptly threatened with going underwater, literally.
Stateless Russians
Christopher Hanson tells the cautionary tale of Russian immigrants who ended up in California and had a “misunderstanding” with the broker who sold them a property. There’s a great lesson for all of us at the end of this story.
Techno-Geek Rancher
Welcome to #WarStoryWednesdays. In this edition, San Francisco real estate and insurance bad faith trial attorney Christopher Hanson tells the story of a software engineer who decided to trade in his frameworks for fruit trees, move to the country, raise avocados and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite turn out that way, and… CONTINUE
As Is My A$$
Many many years ago, the rule of commerce was “Buyer beware.” Once property passed from seller to buyer, whatever happened after that was on the buyer. Not so much anymore. But here’s a story about a seller who wanted to go old-school and skip all those annoying disclosures. He almost got away with it. Almost… (Adapted from… CONTINUE
Water Water Everywhere!!
A young couple buys their first home but they find them selves in up to their necks, in water!
The Case of the Veteran Investor
San Francisco real estate and insurance bad faith trial attorney Christopher Hanson tells the story of a veteran real estate investor who sued his broker, and subsequently changed the whole nature of Listing Agreements. (Adapted from Carleton v. Tortosa, 14 Cal.App.4th 745) Listing Agreements. (Adapted from Carleton v. Tortosa, 14 Cal.App.4th 745)