Stateless RussiansChristopher Hanson tells the cautionary tale of Russian immigrants who ended up.... CONTINUE
Top DRE Audit Violation #3: Trust Fund RecordsThis regulation requires the broker to maintain, in columnar form, a.... CONTINUE
The House on the Hill that Went Slip Sliding AwayWhere did the requirement for a broker to conduct a reasonably.... CONTINUE
Eminent Domain – A New Way to Solve the Foreclosure Problem?In our recent Newsletter, we talk about a creative way Counties.... CONTINUE
Real Estate Broker Goes to Big House — No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!SAN DIEGO (CN) - A San Diego real estate agent was.... CONTINUE
Banks Admit Under-Trained Staff in Foreclosure Crisis – SHOCKING!JPMorgan, vowed to expand training after a review found that the.... CONTINUE
Lenders Win Another Round on Condo Foreclosure – ALMOSTJust last week, in Harbour Vista, LLC v. HSBC Mortgage Services.... CONTINUE
Plaintiff Able to state claim against lender for Truth in Lending Act (TILA) violations.Shaterian v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. , (N.D.Cal.) January 11, 2012.... CONTINUE
The New News May Be Bad News for Brokers New laws that have come into effect include such things.... CONTINUE
A New Nightmare – A Way for Lenders to Avoid Anti-deficiency Rules?Here’s a thought that ought to strike fear in strategic defaulters....... CONTINUE
Rent to Own – REO. Who Are They Kidding Now?The L.A. Times recently reported that the Fed is now looking.... CONTINUE