What To Do When a Buyer Breaches?Welcome to War Story Wednesdays. In this episode, San Francisco real.... CONTINUE
I’m a Good Ol’ Country Boy, Just Trying to Get ByThe easy road usually leads to a hard fall. This was.... CONTINUE
Happy New Laws 2.0 (Landlord – Tenant Edition).Two laws that pique my interest this year have to do.... CONTINUE
BUT I BROUGHT IN A FULL PRICE OFFER!Its Wednesday again, and on this edition of War Story Wednesdays we.... CONTINUE
Eminent Domain – A New Way to Solve the Foreclosure Problem?In our recent Newsletter, http://www.hansonlawfirm.com/newsletter/ we talk about a creative way Counties.... CONTINUE
Banks Admit Under-Trained Staff in Foreclosure Crisis – SHOCKING!JPMorgan, vowed to expand training after a review found that the.... CONTINUE
Mortgage Principal-Reductions Remain Only a DreamThe Federal Housing Finance Agency acknowledges its mandate to offer the.... CONTINUE
Settlement – Schmettlement. It’s a Gift to the BanksNOBODY seems to like the grand settlement reached yesterday between the.... CONTINUE